Dying things Purple

Kerocaro/ July 10, 2024/ A&S, Illumination, Scribe/ 0 comments

I tend to follow several SCA scribes on Instagram. One of whom posted the most delightful project they had completed. It was an oath of fealty written out on purple perg with gold lettering. The photo was stunning and my little magpie brain wanted to make one of my own. Lucky for me they did a full write-up on how one makes such a treasure! I urge you to go read their blog post first and marvel at the beauty of their project. Illuminated Fealty Oath   Realizing I had half the supplies and a new scroll assignment, I did what I do best. Make the thing. One of the first things I debated over was if I would use the same ink that Konstantia used. The Dylusions ink-sprays crushed

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A Non Traditional Scroll

Kerocaro/ March 28, 2024/ A&S, Illumination, Scribe/ 0 comments

One of the things I have wanted to do is a Non-traditional scroll. So when I received an assignment for my own sister’s Silver Stirrup I decided it was time. The award is for equestrian arts, and my sister had just recently acquired a horse of her own. So I decided that he needed something pretty! I started looking at different things I could make and more important have done by Battlemoor. My first idea was to go with a collar. I was lucky to find Bar C Saddlery who had an impressive selection of blank pieces for various horse goods.  Unfortunately, after research, I realized I didn’t have the time to sew together leather and get the scroll text copied on it. They did however have a Fancy Halter

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Swan-Ragnar’s Hammer

Kerocaro/ January 8, 2024/ A&S, Illumination, Scribe/ 0 comments

This one started in a whole different direction. Mostly because I was having difficulty finding anything out about the recipient.  However, after talking with the Kingdom scribe she advised that they liked swans,  and with some general Google I came upon Harley MS 647 * This was a case of perfect illumination. The award was given due to their service at Battlemoor for helping cut grass by hand, a major part of getting the site ready. So drawing a bit of inspiration from The Untitled Goose game and adding in the required hammer I came up with a plan. The first step was working out the text. With no good way to “math” out the letters, I decided to jump in and work them out in the design. I had

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Award of Arms Scroll- Part Two

Kerocaro/ September 4, 2023/ Illumination, Project/ 0 comments

When we last left off I had been re-doing the layout after discovering I had only put in half the text and only had a PDF version of the original. The image on the left was the original I drafted and on the right the correct one with all the words. Starting from scratch was probably for the best as it took a good deal of fiddling with the text to get things to line up. I also got the chance to make the images less muddy and easy to trace. By this time the joke was I was going to get this thing done by the time my kids left for college. Once I had the image traced out and the calligraphy done I took a short break to

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What is Free time?

Kerocaro/ June 9, 2023/ Personal/ 0 comments

Oh how busy things have been. 2022 came to a thundering close with events becoming more frequent, a house being purchased and my small becoming mobile! I can safely say that free time has been at a premium. I have a lot of catching up to do. New scrolls have been done, events enjoyed and garb made. If you follow me on Instagram you have some idea of what is coming. But for the rest of you hopefully, you will stick around and enjoy catching up with me! For now, I leave you with an updated website and the promise of adventures to come.  

Busy Busy!

Kerocaro/ October 26, 2022/ Plans/ 0 comments

Things have been busy here for us. Between SCA events kicking back off and general life, I haven’t been as faithful to my poor blog! Hopefully, that will change as we settle for the next few months. First off I need to finish off my post about Coronation and then Crown. Both are a fun set of adventures. After that, I have some work to share with my scribe efforts before a side adventure to some more garb! Please stay tuned!

Arts and Science Displaying My Pandemic Work

Kerocaro/ July 12, 2022/ A&S, Events, Scribe/ 0 comments

After almost two years I was delighted to find that the Barony south of us was hosting an Arts and Science competition. Having no interest in competing for their champion (I didn’t really feel I had produced anything worth that) I opted to display the trading cards I had been painting. The first thing I needed to do was round them all up. I had most of them in envelopes as my plan had been to hand them out as favors, but a few of the recent ones had been scattered between my desks. Once gathered I settled down to organize them into something worth viewing. I chose two of the pieces to put up on acrylic signs to give my display some height and visual interest to draw people

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Award of Arms Scroll- Part One

Kerocaro/ March 24, 2022/ A&S, Scribe/ 0 comments

Almost 2 years ago now a friend had been awarded her Award of Arms at an event. Sadly there was an issue with it and before she could take it home it disappeared. Unfortunately, she has had a lonely blank spot on her wall since then. Prior to the pandemic, I said I would replace the missing AoA for her and took on the backscroll. It took a bit for me to get around not having a firm deadline when the pandemic hit but as things looked better I finally sat down and armed with the knowledge I had picked up from classes I had been taking got to work.   Since this wasn’t a surprise I opted to have her input on what she would like to see on

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Garb for Kids

Kerocaro/ March 17, 2022/ Clothing, Project/ 0 comments

One of the things I am constantly fighting against is just how quickly my older one grows out of clothing. We are talking new pants every three months, not easy on the pocketbook. So it is no surprise after almost 2 years of being out of SCA events that the only thing left that fit him was a tunic I had bought 3 sizes too big! With 12th Night for Carethe on the books, I realized I was going to need to get him re-outfitted with something ASAP. Feeling like some fancy garb was in order I asked if he would like a Tudor outfit to match the gown I planned to wear. After some thought, he said yes and I set about figuring out how to make it. My

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Kerocaro/ March 4, 2022/ Personal/ 0 comments

It has been a bit since I last posted. My ongoing A&S project decided that October was just too long to wait. So we welcomed my second child in September. Having a newborn is a fair amount of work and put just about everything on hold as we adjusted to our new normal. So what have I been doing? Honestly before the New Year, not much aside from keeping up with things on social media. (It is easy to scroll and nurse, more so at 2 am!) But with the start of the new year and with the baby starting to nap more on his own I have made some progress on projects. I have been able to attend a few virtual classes at the Kingdom of Atlantia University. I

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