Summer Sew Along!

Kerocaro/ July 27, 2021/ A&S, Project/ 0 comments

The lovely Maridith had highlighted in her Instagram stories that Emilee from Our Shield Maiden was hosting a summer sew-along. 18th-century pockets! For those who remember I had a pair of 16th-century ones started from C3 that got shelved. I decided; why not? I have been feeling a little bit down about getting sewing projects done and have been needing some easy-win goals to help get over it. The kick-off was June 4th! Armed with the instructions, the template Emilee sent out, and the encouragement on the discord group I was ready to go! I chose some brown linen I had leftover and then a green velvet brocade and gold brocade both samples of upholstery fabrics I had picked up long ago. The thread came out of my embroidery stash.

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Summer Projects

Kerocaro/ May 25, 2021/ A&S, Plans/ 0 comments

It seems like summer has crept up on me this year. Granted as things are opening back up the weeks seem to go by quickly compared to last summer. Funny what going out of the house does. With that I do have some summer projects planned! The lovely Emilee of Our Shield Maiden and on Instagram (@oursheildmaiden) Is hosting a summer sew-along for June. The focus is going to be 18th Century pockets! I decided to jump in after Maridith highlighted it in her stories. Out of my normal time but as I had a set of 16th Century ones line up for my Italian dress that is on hold I figured why not. (I may also have a copy of American Dutchess’s “18th Century Dressmaking”….a someday project!) On a

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Outlands Collegium A.S. LV

Kerocaro/ May 22, 2021/ A&S, Events, Online/ 0 comments

This past Saturday was the Outlands Collegium A.S. LV an online event held by the Kingdoms University. Feeling slightly better and figuring I could manage sitting and listening to lectures just as well as I could lay on the sofa and watch TV with the kid, I got out some garb and made a class list. I started with Modren Alchemy and enjoyed getting some of the science behind Dye. Given I never took chemistry it was interesting to see some of the “why” for what I have been doing. The next class was Happy Little B. This one was more of a paint-along ( sadly the painting had been pre-recorded.) However, it gave some great insight into how others paint. The teacher also informed us that we want permanent

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Kerocaro/ April 30, 2021/ Personal/ 0 comments

So I have started a bit of a big A&S project. Ok, not really, but I think it is. I am due with another little come end of this year! I will argue it is a completely period project. In fact, I hope to do some light research on childbirth and mayhap some of raising said child. So what does that mean for this blog? Right now not much. I hope to get a backlog of content together to keep some sort of once-a-month posting but we will see how I feel as things going. After that, I may be on a brief hiatus as life settles and HOPEFULLY, I am able to join in more in-person SCA events.

Playing Cards

Kerocaro/ March 20, 2021/ A&S, Illumination/ 0 comments

Once again the scribes group struck. One of the members had been posting a request for Playing cards as part of their Kingdoms A&S Scribal Challenge. Having no idea what a playing card of the time would look like I did some fast visual research. Lucky for me The Met in 2016 had hosted an exhibition of cards entitled World in Play. Unfortunately, many of the pieces have rights restrictions so you are not able to get a close look at them. But working with what I could see I settled on the Ten of Swords. I worked up my sketch, all while cursing my inability to see crossed lines. After almost tossing the whole card out of frustration I laid down some color to try and correct my mistakes.

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Hair Taping- or how to deal with long hair

Kerocaro/ March 2, 2021/ Historical/ 0 comments

One of the things I had put off last year was getting a haircut before leaving for London. I mean I would have time when I got back right? I was trying to grow it out, so what would it hurt? Fast forward to a year later. I now have hair down to my waist. My child can attest my quarantine haircutting skills are lacking, so I haven’t braved a self-trim. So with shorter not in the cards, it is time for managing. For anyone who has managed long hair before you know finding ways to pin it up is an ongoing challenge. Leaving it down isn’t an option as one wind gust and you look like cousin IT. Nevermind kiddo grabbing it or getting caught on things. So if

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Celebrating 3 years!

Kerocaro/ February 1, 2021/ Plans/ 0 comments

So back in February of 2018 I took the plunge and purchased my domain! After a ton of hassle, I got my website hosted and in April I pressed published on my first post. I am proud of my self. This is by far one of my longest running projects. I have grown, learned and enjoyed this adventure. 2020 put a twist on my SCA adventure pushing me online. I have met so many wonderful people I never would have as events all across the globe went digital to keep us connected. I also spent more time with an online presence. Delving into Instagram and Youtube. I also joined and became active in a number of scribe groups. 2020 also graced me with a return to stay at home, giving

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Mystery Animal Painting!

Kerocaro/ January 28, 2021/ Illumination/ 0 comments

Long story very short the below was posted in one of my scribes groups looking for submissions for the Triskele Turn-in Trial. A segment in the newsletter from the SCA Kingdom of Trimaris. This Mystery Animal “…is a shaped like a lizard, but is covered with spots. It is so cold that it puts out fire on contact. It vomits from its mouth a milky liquid; if this liquid touches any part of the human body it causes all the hair to fall off, and the skin to change color and break out in a rash. It is fatal to drink water or wine when a….has died in it, as is drinking from a vessel from which the creature has drunk.” – Pliny the Elder, 1st Century CE “The….. alone

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Calontir Clothing Challenge- Final

Kerocaro/ January 21, 2021/ Calontir Clothing Challenge/ 0 comments

I didn’t make it. Honestly, the holidays really kicked me off schedule.( I honestly should know by now. Nov. to about Feb just isn’t my time.) Pair it with some major indecision some pandemic burn out and a few other mundane life things. I froze up and didn’t get done what I needed. So, I am calling it. I am a little sad. I had grand visions of getting an amazing dress and meeting all my goals and yes, winning. But I feel it would be far worse to rush and come out with something done that I had to panic and have a meltdown over and not fit or look the way I want it. Besides 2021 is looking like a wash for events. I have time, I don’t

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Tutorial: Using GIMP to make a traceable image and scroll layout.

Kerocaro/ December 18, 2020/ Tutorials/ 0 comments

This is a companion post to a new tutorial I just uploaded to Youtube! You can download GIMP free of charge here. This is an open-source program much like Photoshop. I feel it has a learning curve but once you get the hang of it is a very solid program. Places to find digitized manuscripts. University of Chicago Gives this list. Illuminated Manuscripts: Museums and Libraries With Digitized Manuscripts -Is another good list. Other Resources You can find the Knowne World Aspiring Scribes Forum on Facebook. This has been a wonderful community for learning more about Scrible work in the SCA. Manuscripts I used The Luttrell Psalter– Deer- Detail from The Luttrell Psalter, British Library Add MS 42130 (medieval manuscript,1325-1340), f266r Rabbit procession MS 36684, f. 24v Vine – Detail

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