Tablet Weaving

Kerocaro/ January 20, 2020/ A&S, Newcomers/ 0 comments

One of the things you often see at events is a small portable weaving loom. Done up with bright fiber being woven into bands, some with very complex patterns. The end result is useful for just about anything. I personally have what was a garter, now headband, Friends have belts, bag straps, and trim all churned out from these looms. There are two styles, Tablet and Inkel. Tablet woven bands are achieved by turning cards to produce a pattern. Inkle involves moving the heddles up and down to produce the pattern. So when I started dyeing wool yarn I immediately decided I had to give weaving a go. I don’t knit or crochet or really much of anything in the yarn craft, and the yarn was starting to stack up.

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The Italian Dress

Kerocaro/ January 14, 2020/ A&S, Clothing, Project/ 0 comments

So remember how I said deadlines are my norm state of getting things done? Past me knew that despite having several weekends, and time in between this dress was going to be a challenge to finish. So the weekend before should be enough? Trust me I hate past me. Most of my garb is in the early period, with the exception of 2 pieces I have made all of it to date. Most of it is rectangles with tricky triangles. Simple, you can knock it together in a night if needed. Add a bit of flashy trim some beads and good to go. This, well, this was different. I need to state first off that The Honorable Lady Isabelle de Calais is the only reason this dress got done. She

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12th Night 2020

Kerocaro/ January 11, 2020/ Events/ 0 comments

This year’s 12th Night took us to Venice complete with masks and fancy late period garb. I did manage to get my garb to a state of done, not perfect, but done. That will be another post unto its self as I learned a lot about later period dressmaking. I got out the door and to the event on time even with some last-minute stops for snacks and coffee. Once there however getting dressed was a challenge, I had, in theory, made the closures to ladder lace but wasn’t sure how exactly to do so. Lucky Isabell was on hand and got me laced in and then offered to do my hair up. THL Isabelle uses a method of hairdressing that involves, sewing the hair in place. You can read

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