Garb for Kids

One of the things I am constantly fighting against is just how quickly my older one grows out of clothing. We are talking new pants every three months, not easy…

Hedeby Bag

I am sure some of you had seen my teasing of a pair of Hedeby bag handles on Instagram back in May. I had received them from Champagne Faire as…

A Quick Dye

It has been a busy last few months! Between my pregnancy, kiddo starting school, and SCA stuff resuming in person I feel like getting time to work on projects has…

Summer Sew Along!

The lovely Maridith had highlighted in her Instagram stories that Emilee from Our Shield Maiden was hosting a summer sew-along. 18th-century pockets! For those who remember I had a pair…

Thimble Time

So one of the things I hate is poking myself with any sort of pins or needles. Not ideal as a seamstress but alas here I am. I am normally…

Now with Video!

This little project is 100% a quarantine project. You stay home long enough you start to get crazy ideas. Then, you get some friends who inspire you and well before…