Battlemoor- Clothing for 4 days

So one of the things I figured was I need a lot more clothing to get through a week of camping.

How much more?

Well my current closet is made up

  • 1 tan tunic that needs repairs as it is falling apart.
  • 1 red tunic
  • A gray tunic I had made for when I was nursing and then messed up the sleeves on in an attempt to make them smaller/shorter
  • One brown Viking apron dress
  • One green apron dress
  • One blue overtunic made from a heavy blue cotton that looks like wool.
  • One Viking hood
  • An Ikea dish towel I had been using to cover my head.

Well, not a bad list overall it sure wasn’t going to last. More so if the promised 80-degree weather rolled on in.

So it was time to get to work making some new garb.

The first thing I decided to finish was my blue wool tunic. I had cut this tunic out at the start of the year with a fellow canton member and it had simply sat around waiting for me to work on finishing it. the biggest issue I had with it was adding in some underarm gores and then the neckline facing as too small.

The gore solution was solved by basting them in and then running it all on the serger. The neckline was just as simple with some embroidery so it would now lay flat.

After that, I worked on a pair of Turkish pants that another Canton member helped me draw up. Final word…VERY comfy and I plan to make a few more once I get more fabric. The best part is I managed to sew them right the first time! As someone who normally mangles pants it was a nice change of pace.

I had purchased some tan fabric and deciding that I wasn’t going to get the rest of the Turkish outfit done I whipped together a short tunic using the leftover red fabric from my pants so I would have something to wear with the pants.

Having some sense I knew nights wouldn’t be as warm so I finished the edges on a square of fabric to use a shawl. I also finished the edges on some linen to use as a vail and then tossed back in some cotton to wrap my head with.

I also took a night and did some patching on my tan tunic so I would have it as an option.

From there I decided to make 2 roman chiton after seeing that one there was to be a roman revel and two seeing the ones our Baroness had made and had her show off how to tie them up.

They are super easy to make involving 3 seams and 2 buttons I had 4 of them whipped up in almost no time adding 2 new outfits to my collection.

I also had a white tunic from our gold key that my mother had borrowed and after realizing I was out of time to make anything more I tossed it in as a backup.

With that, I also added in 2 pairs of over the knee socks, undergarments, Shorts and legging to keep my thighs from rubbing. And on whim tossed in a hand knitted infinity shawl.


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