The Italian Dress

Kerocaro/ January 14, 2020/ A&S, Clothing, Project/ 0 comments

So remember how I said deadlines are my norm state of getting things done? Past me knew that despite having several weekends, and time in between this dress was going to be a challenge to finish. So the weekend before should be enough? Trust me I hate past me. Most of my garb is in the early period, with the exception of 2 pieces I have made all of it to date. Most of it is rectangles with tricky triangles. Simple, you can knock it together in a night if needed. Add a bit of flashy trim some beads and good to go. This, well, this was different. I need to state first off that The Honorable Lady Isabelle de Calais is the only reason this dress got done. She

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Battlemoor- Clothing for 4 days

Kerocaro/ July 15, 2018/ Clothing, Plans/ 0 comments

So one of the things I figured was I need a lot more clothing to get through a week of camping. How much more? Well my current closet is made up 1 tan tunic that needs repairs as it is falling apart. 1 red tunic A gray tunic I had made for when I was nursing and then messed up the sleeves on in an attempt to make them smaller/shorter One brown Viking apron dress One green apron dress One blue overtunic made from a heavy blue cotton that looks like wool. One Viking hood An Ikea dish towel I had been using to cover my head. Well, not a bad list overall it sure wasn’t going to last. More so if the promised 80-degree weather rolled on in. So it was time

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