Summer Projects

It seems like summer has crept up on me this year. Granted as things are opening back up the weeks seem to go by quickly compared to last summer. Funny what going out of the house does.

With that I do have some summer projects planned!

The lovely Emilee of Our Shield Maiden and on Instagram (@oursheildmaiden) Is hosting a summer sew-along for June. The focus is going to be 18th Century pockets! I decided to jump in after Maridith highlighted it in her stories. Out of my normal time but as I had a set of 16th Century ones line up for my Italian dress that is on hold I figured why not. (I may also have a copy of American Dutchess’s “18th Century Dressmaking”….a someday project!)

On a more Medieval front, I have been working on getting the bag portion together for a Hedeby bag. One of my Medieval ReCreationist Box had the handles from Champagne Faire so I am set there. With it being just big enough to hold my phone I can use some scrap fabric up.

After that, I need to get the back scroll done that I had promised. Mayhap see about a scroll for events later this fall. Of course my ongoing project of getting trading card favors.

I am also working on reading several new books I picked up. So stay tuned for my thoughts on those!

I am sure by the time I get this all done it will be the end of summer and HOPEFULLY time to return to an in-person events.


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