A side adventure of Illumination

So with the talk of scrolls for 12th Night and then having our local Scribe night being nearby I decided to try my hand at some illumination.

While none of these are final scrolls in part due to just my inexperience and the other due to the materials I have on hand. So enjoy my work so far as I atempt to pick this art up.

I started this one based off of a posting of manuscripts from The Morgan Library and Museum ‘s Hamilton lectionary
(Constantinople, end of 11th century) gallery. I love the heart shape and chose to mimic it rather then straight copy it. I don’t have any water color but I do have brush markers.

This one was set more around the Caerthe award then an actual design. I will say it was more an exercise in lay out. Part of my current problem is the size I had picked up a small notebook to practice with.

I backed down to some thing simple. Going for the simple but well done approach as my last few final designs didn’t pan out as I wanted.

This is still at the work in progress stage as I would like to play with some gold accent. However I did like the painting over the lines vs the outlining each element. I am not sure how well that will work out for me but for now it was an idea.


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