Outlands Collegium A.S. LV

This past Saturday was the Outlands Collegium A.S. LV an online event held by the Kingdoms University. Feeling slightly better and figuring I could manage sitting and listening to lectures just as well as I could lay on the sofa and watch TV with the kid, I got out some garb and made a class list.

I started with Modren Alchemy and enjoyed getting some of the science behind Dye. Given I never took chemistry it was interesting to see some of the “why” for what I have been doing.

The next class was Happy Little B. This one was more of a paint-along ( sadly the painting had been pre-recorded.) However, it gave some great insight into how others paint. The teacher also informed us that we want permanent white to do white work. Zinc white and others like it simple blends with the colors. A huge Ah-ha moment and I felt less stupid about my white work to date. I made sure to put some of that down on my shopping list as I am sure it will be a game-changer.

From there I attended The Middle Eastern Garb Class. A wonderful refresher in the differences between Turkish and Persian dress. The teacher also compiled a list of patterns and inspired me to maybe finish the 12th night pieces I had laying about from 2019.

Next up was lunch and I discovered that a friend in a Kingdom over was also teaching a class at an event for her group. Having nothing planned class-wise after lunch I popped in to see how to make cloth buttons. I may not have a cute tea saucer but I may have a use for the circle cutter I had purchased back when I was making flowers.

Honestly I can’t tell you how tickled I am to jump around zoom events like that.

After that, I returned to the University track and sat in on painting fabric. While not a hands-on class like the teacher’s other shading class this one gave a good run down of painting on fabric. I was surprised to learn that it was only in the last few years that painted clothing had surged as an acceptable method.

The second to last class was one on surviving and thriving at children’s events. Seeing as I will have two (and my background check!) I figured it would be interesting. I did pick up some good tips and games but until my second is big enough to not need to be tied to my apron strings I probably will just be aiding not running any events.

The last class of the day was Teaching carding. This was probably the biggest AH-HA moment of the day. The lovely teacher gave a beautiful demonstration of butterfly carding and then says; “Oh yes if you are learning to spin trying to do so off straight roving is extremely difficult you should make rolags!” *blink blink* The light clicked on for me, I wasn’t horrible at spinning I was just trying to do it on extra hard mode.

Unfortunately, it seems after some google searching the carding brushes may be harder to come by than I originally thought. They are also surprisingly expensive. But if I can I think I may finally enjoy spinning and more important be able to process the fiber I have lurking.

Over all a good selection of classes and an enjoyable day.


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