Tutorial: Using GIMP to make a traceable image and scroll layout.

This is a companion post to a new tutorial I just uploaded to Youtube!

You can download GIMP free of charge here. This is an open-source program much like Photoshop. I feel it has a learning curve but once you get the hang of it is a very solid program.

Places to find digitized manuscripts.

University of Chicago Gives this list.

Illuminated Manuscripts: Museums and Libraries With Digitized Manuscripts -Is another good list.

Other Resources

You can find the Knowne World Aspiring Scribes Forum on Facebook. This has been a wonderful community for learning more about Scrible work in the SCA.

Manuscripts I used

The Luttrell Psalter

Deer- Detail from The Luttrell Psalter, British Library Add MS 42130 (medieval manuscript,1325-1340), f266r

Rabbit procession MS 36684, f. 24v

Vine – Detail from The Luttrell Psalter, British Library Add MS 42130 (medieval manuscript,1325-1340), f150r

Vine- Detail from The Luttrell Psalter, British Library Add MS 42130 (medieval manuscript,1325-1340), f153v

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