Week 3 & 4 Calontir Clothing Challenge

So I am a week behind on my original time line.

But to be fair I had to wait for books and at the last minute my kid decided no I don’t want to wear my old costume I want to be a pumpkin!

So week 3 was filled with runs to the fabric store and cutting out multiple things.

I have decided that I need a real cutting table. My lower back was not amused with the kitchen table and the floor has catsharks who love to “help”.

The Drawers

Or an adventure in pants suck.

I started by reading my instructions, several times before diving into a paper pattern. I found the bara tapes to be quick and easy to lay everything out. I still feel like my waist measurement is a bit big but better than too small.

Once I got the paper made up I cut a fabric and realized I need 60 wide fabric as the 45 was a close call.

From there I stitched everything up according to the directions. Pulled them on and….


The crotch was WAY to small. Causing the rest of it to be a huge mess as nothing was staying on. I had them measured to sit at my belly button….these barely reached my hips.

So I did the only thing I could and pulled the whole thing apart and put it aside to sew the pumpkin costume.

Once I was less miffed I attempted to go over what could have gone wrong and after reading the instructions again, having my husband help measure me against the tapes and some gumps I settled that the gusset was messing with the inseam line.

So I decided that I would just sew them up sans gussets. My line of reason was I could add them back in if I ripped out the crotch.

However once together and on I realized; They worked.

I ran about the house for a bit stretching and twisting to see if they would rip.

The held up the only issue being the leg cuffs. I was very very baffled.

However, I know better than to question working pants.

From there everything got sidelined to finish the pumpkin costume. I also had to find new fabric for the drawers as I realized that my original fabric had been put up someplace “safe”. I did lay hand on some heavyweight white fabric in looking in my bag of fabric I had in the sewing room. Tossing it aside until the weekend after Halloween I returned to the pumpkin.

Upon getting back to the project I realized the fabric wasn’t cotton as I had thought! Rather it was some linen I had purchased back when Joann’s had a massive discount. A burn test makes me think it might be 100% too. Now I had a dilemma, did I sew by hand or work it on the machine and hand finish it or just serge the whole thing?!

At this point I deiced to compromise. I would be sewing the main seams by machine and then finishing by hand. I also wanted to do some embroidery on the cuffs.

Now in between all this, I figured out how to make lucet cord! So my drawstring if all goes well should be a lucet cord made from hand-dyed wool.

Stay tuned next time I should have a finished set of drawers and finally be on to something I can wear out in public.


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