Pandemic Slowdown

I realized the last event I had made it too was 12th Night.

Slightly depressing.

These last 3 months have felt like a year. I have been jobless since we returned and am slightly thankful as I don’t have to cope with trying to adjust to that. It is back to the stay at home mom life, a tough gig all on its own. But kiddo is at an age that he can be left to his own devices in the back garden for a time so I have been getting some things done.

So what have I been working on?

UFOs: I managed to get the jacket from the 2019 12th Night all hemmed. I did some mending, and attached the tassel to my kids hood. I finished the Chatelaine belt favor I had been working on. I finished the tablet band I had been working on.

New project wise I have a KAOS project I need to address. But I did get a direction and just need to sit and paint it up. I started a test of the Aspen award medallion. If it works it should replace one for a friend. Done a few new trading cards, but painting is something kiddo likes so I have to do it after his bedtime if I want it to come out ok. I made my first bit of paint and did some dying. Made Remmy some new clothing…need to finish it up as I am still debating the sleeves. I also got a workspace set up in the basement. Printed some music and copied lyrics. Made a few masks (need to make more for the husband he starts an internship this summer). I did get a pattern worked out for a hood for him and in the process burn tested a bunch of my fabric.

Our Barony has been doing A&S every Tuesday so that helps. And I have been taking classes as I can, last week I took one on veils and other head-wear.

I am sourcing how to get more embroidery floss (debating if going into Jo-Ann’s is worth it or not) and waiting on a new inkle loom. I figured I can remember up or down if I have to stop to address the kid climbing the counter. I also need to get a new little beeswax lump for sewing. The one I had prior disappeared…

So yes, things are getting done and hopefully I will have some new tutorials and sew-along posts coming up.


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