Condottieri-A taste of camping in the SCA

Kerocaro/ June 3, 2018/ Events, Plans/ 0 comments

So a few populace meetings back we had tossed around a lunch tavern idea and few phone calls later we had been granted space at Condottieri. I at the time had said yes I would be willing to help and then promptly spaced it. Upon being reminded I panicked and then proceeded to get ready for a camping event. The matter of a place to sleep was resolved by fellow canton member (and the one in charge of the tavern.) The rest was up to me. As far as the event itself, it was lovely! The location reminded me strongly of the Cattle Raids site in Calontir. Lucky for me the cottonwood didn’t start running until we got home, so well I needed allergy medication I wasn’t miserable. I spent a

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Arts Science and a New Baron and Baroness

Kerocaro/ April 19, 2018/ Events/ 0 comments

So for some context, it has been a good long time since I had taken my Tiny Monster to an event with me, in part because I normally am working and partly because he still needs a nap. That and if you have ever had a child the amount of things you need to make the day work is well staggering. Not to mention it was just going to be me and him. At almost 2 with his favorite word quickly becoming NO! and the energy to put the energizer bunny to shame well it is like running a marathon. Do-able but painful.   Kingdom A&S, however, was at one of my favorite event spaces, I mean how can you go wrong with a playground right there? That and I

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